Blog Archives

Weather no object: Portland Report

Jakub enjoys D-Day wrecks and surreal scallop-hunting on his first-ever UK RIB dive. He seems to be hooked!

Posted in Dive Trips

AGM 2023: A year of achievement

It may have been the lure of the free pizza, but we had an excellent turn-out for this year’s Annual General Meeting, with a good mix of older and newer members looking for an update on the state of the

Posted in Dive Trips

So what happens when you have a rapid ascent?

By Dan Mackenzie We’re very grateful to Dan for taking the time to share this with us, not only as information for others, but also so that we can learn more about how things feel from a casualty’s perspective. I’ve

Posted in Dive Trips

Thanks for the memory (and non, je ne regrette rien!) – Marseille, 10-16 September 2023

Find out why Clidive loves diving the Med (and no, it’s not all about the food!)

Posted in Dive Trips

Guideless in Gozo: 7-13 May 2023

By Soni Drew Fellow CliDivers, Let me tell you about a trip that Phil organised on the Maltese island of Gozo.  The Gozo trip became something of a CliDive tradition when member Joli Riley had a house on the Island,

Posted in Dive Trips